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Metal on Metal Hip Replacement Failures

As we age our hip sockets age with us. Either because of poor physical fitness, excessive physical fitness, injury or genetics, our hip sockets fail at an alarming rate. Our current state of medical science has allowed physicians to create and use new, state of the art prosthetic devices to replace those failing hip sockets. Hip replacement or resurfacing surgery will assist in increasing mobility and flexibility , decreasing pain and generally increasing the enjoyment of life.

As with all medical procedures, there are no guarantees and in fact, the standard hip replacement is expected to last, on average, about ten years. Statistics have shown that the metal to metal hip replacement prosthetics begin to show a greater number of failures after only 5 years. Some of the replacements are made with either ceramic or plastic but the greater number of early failures is with the metal on metal joint.

If you have had hip replacement surgery, you should be keenly aware of any changes, pains or unusual sensations in your hip, upper leg and lower back. These include clicking or popping sounds, sensation that your hip is not aligned right and pain upon movement or exercise. Any change in feeling or sensation should cause you to seek prompt medical attention. One of the features of a metal on metal failure is chemical in nature. That is that the metal ions from the metal on metal contact start to come free from the implant and become populated in the area around the joint. Doctors are concerned that this increased concentration of metal ions may cause damage to the Liver, the Kidneys, Lymph Nodes and other vital organs.

The solution to this problem is a series of steps that begin with a competent medical examination. The process should include a visit with your lawyer so that you will be fully advised of your rights as it pertains to the cost of the surgery, the lost income from the down time, pain and suffering and your lost services around the household. These damages may be compensable and you should seek counsel from an AV Peer Rated Firm like Gibbs and Parnell who have tremendous experience in handling these very significant claims. Your legal counsel can give you the proper advice when it comes to the process of seeking compensation and damages for your injury.


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