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Tampa Fractured Bones Lawyers
Broken Bone Injuries
Most broken bone injuries heal completely and the victim is able to make a full recovery. In some cases, however, the break is so severe that the side effects can affect the victim for life. When these injuries happen in accidents that were caused due to another person's negligence, victims have the right to take legal action to recover damages for their injuries.
Broken bone injuries can be quite complex and there are often other medical issues to consider beyond simply repairing the bone itself. If you or a loved one has suffered any type of broken bone injury, be sure that you seek the advice of a reliable Florida attorney with the ability to ensure that your interests are protected.
Your Advocate in Complex Broken Bone Injury Cases
At the law firm of Gibbs & Parnell, P.A., our Tampa fractured bones attorneys represent clients throughout Central Florida in a variety of severe broken bone cases. We seek full compensation for the victims in these cases, including short- and long-term medical care, surgeries, time away from work, physical therapy and rehabilitation, assistive equipment, and any other damages appropriate to your case.
We have experience handling cases involving all types of broken bones, including broken arms and legs, fractured hips, fractured vertebrae, crush injuries and many others. We understand the complications that can arise with different types of injuries and the accommodations that often need to be made during the victim's recovery. We work to ensure that any settlement or jury award includes provisions for all your needs.
Speak to One of Our Tampa Broken Bones Attorneys
Contact our office today to discuss your broken bone injury claim with a lawyer. We offer a free initial consultation to all new clients. We are available during regular business hours and by appointment at other times. You can reach us by phone at 813-975-4444 or via e-mail.
We handle all personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. We don't collect a fee unless we win the case, and we never take more than the client.