While the numbers of such surgeries vary, it is estimated that almost three quarters of a million people will have either a hip or knee replacement surgery this year. The numbers are large and continue to increase with our aging society and increasing numbers of Arthritis sufferers. The surgery is almost commonplace but the risks associated with every surgery remain. This is major surgery and can be a positive life changing event with a substantial recovery time and attendant pain. The risks include adverse reaction to anesthetic, infection, medical malpractice and ultimately the failure or complete malfunction of the implant.
Information continues to be developed through litigation and the FDA that many of the manufacturers of these replacement devices have known for some time that the devices were defective and not properly suited for the replacement surgeries they were used in. As a consequence, many of the implants used in both the ‘resurfacing’ and the ‘total’ replacements need to be surgically removed and replaced. These defective devices cause serious pain and the risk of metallosis, infection, compromised function and total implant failure. The solution to these problems is to have a risky and expensive second surgery to remove and replace the defective implant.
If you are having problems with your implant, seek appropriate medical attention. The result of the device failures are very serious and include debilitating pain, infection and possible cobalt contamination in the blood from Cobalt Metallosis. If you are having trouble or you have one of the defective implants, seek medical attention. You should also consider seeking competent legal advice as to your remedies and right to compensation. A second joint replacement surgery will cause great pain, lost income, some emotional damage and all of the risks associated with serious surgery. These injuries and damages are compensable and you owe it to yourself and your family to explore your right to compensation.
If you have one of these situations, you should choose a law firm like Gibbs and Parnell who has substantial experience in dealing with defective products and defective medical devices.