On February 23, 2013 the FDA released notice of a voluntary, nationwide recall of Omontys. Affymax has voluntarily initiated a recall of its Omontys injectible medication. Omontys treats anemia which results from chronic kidney disease. The recall was being done with the knowledge of the FDA and all health care providers are notified to stop using or further prescribing the medication until further notice.
After the drug was cleared and released to the market, a seemingly small percentage of the population experienced a hypersensitivity to the drug and the side effects were determined to be life-threatening or fatal. So far they have found an increased mortality, stroke and thromboembolisms in Omontys users.
Fatal hypersensitivity was found in 0.02% of the approximate 25,000 users and there were an additional 0.02% who experienced adverse side effects, about one-third of them were deemed to be serious by the manufacturer.
If you are receiving this medication, stop taking it immediately and see your prescribing physician. If you or a family member or friends experience any of the adverse effects from this medication, they should seek proper, experienced legal counsel to evaluate a possible claim. Gibbs and Parnell have been successfully representing victims of serious pharmaceutical injuries for decades. These are complicated claims and you need a firm with strong resources and experience. Gibbs and Parnell are big enough to help, but small enough to care.
Source: http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm340893.htm