Accidents involving pedestrians and vehicles often result in terrifying injuries or even death. Parents teach children at a young age to look both ways before crossing a street, but drivers also have a responsibility to watch for pedestrians. In Tampa, two teenage sisters were struck by a vehicle while they were walking to Middleton High School.The pedestrian-car accident occurred on March 18 at about 7:15 in the morning. Due to the commencement of daylight savings time earlier this month, the sun had not risen yet. The driver of the vehicle, a 17-year-old girl, told authorities that because it was still somewhat dark, she didn't see the two girls. The victims, ages 14 and 15, both suffered injuries. They were transported to Tampa General Hospital. The 15-year-old was in stable condition, but the 14-year-old was listed in critical condition.The girls were not in a marked crosswalk on Hillsborough Avenue when they were struck. However, the location of the accident was very close to where a similar accident happened in 2011. A 15-year-old girl died in that auto-pedestrian accident.After that accident in 2011, the Florida Department of Transportation considered another crosswalk in the area, but determined that there wasn't enough pedestrian traffic to warrant it. Instead, drivers were warned of pedestrians through a newly-installed flashing sign. A spokeswoman for the Florida DOT reported that crash data in the area will be reviewed to see if more safety measures are needed.Members of the Hillsborough County School Board discussed the topic of pedestrian safety at a meeting following the recent accident. Suggestions included a campaign to raise public awareness about pedestrian safety and asking area businesses for their help.Those who are injured in similar accidents may have a right to seek compensation in civil court even if criminal charges aren't filed against at-fault drivers. An experienced Florida personal injury attorney can provide more information about injured victims and their right to pursue such compensation. Source: Tampa Bay Times, "Sisters walking to Middleton High struck, injured by car" Will Hobson, Mar. 18, 2014
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