Driving is the easiest and most efficient way to get around town and complete errands. Driving can get your children to and from school or get groceries picked up. But the more an individual is on the road, the more opportunities the driver has to be involved in a car accident.Car accidents can range in severity in both property damage and injury. Property damage may range from a minor fender bender to a totaled car. Injuries may range from bumps and bruises to death. A four-car accident left one dead in South Miami Dade County. County homicide investigators are investigating the accident. The crash occurred around nine in the morning on Sunday. The accident occurred near Southwest 117th Avenue and Southwest 72nd Street.The accident occurred when two cars were stopped at the intersection. Two other cars were approaching the intersection behind the stopped cars. One of the cars driving towards the intersection hit the other car, causing it to hit the two stopped cars.One of the drivers of the stopped cars was killed in the accident. The passenger of that car is currently in the hospital in stable condition.The driver who caused the crash and his passenger are in the hospital as well and are in stable condition. This driver may have had a medical condition which caused him to have a seizure. The police are still investigating the accident.If the accident is due to the negligence of one or more of the drivers, the injured individuals may be entitled to compensation for his or her injuries or property damage. Source: NBC 6 Miami, "1 dead in 4 car crash in Southwest Miami-Dade: Police," Gilma Avalos, Sept. 30, 2013
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